Word Search Us History
word search us history

These crossword puzzles can be played online in active mode or you can get a printable version for use in the classroom (no ads). The more accurate you are, the higher score you will get. Its the easiest way to find and share exact locations.Identify the country, state. Go here for the printable version.We divided the world into 3 metre squares and gave each square a unique combination of three words. For more information see the directions below the puzzle. Do your students know the New World and its thirteen colonies Put your American history knowledge into practice with this challenging colonial word search Catered to the fifth grade, this history worksheet will have students searching for the names of different American colonies and picking them out of the word search.Find the United States geography terms inside the word search puzzle.

word search us history

The word should now be highlighted in red.If you can't find a word you can use the "solve" button next to the word. Let go of the mouse click when you have reached the end of the word. Left click on the first letter of the US geography word and then move your mouse the direction of the word.

Try to get as many points as possible, as fast as you can.Other features include the timer (to see how fast you can finish the word search) and the "restart" button which allows you to restart a new puzzle.Each puzzle is unique including (sometimes) the words that are used in the puzzle.We hope this puzzle will help students to familiarize themselves with the terms of US Geography. Each time you use "solve" to find a word, you lose 10 points. When you use the solve button a red X will appear next to the US geography word.Each time you get a word correctly you earn 10 points.

word search us history